Personalized Services

1-to-1 Individualized

Reiki Energy Session

  • One 60-minute virtual session to support the movement of energy within your Chakras

  • Guidance on a deep dive into a particular area of your life

  • Self Care Investment: $175

Self-Care Package

Reiki Energy Sessions

  • Three 60-minute virtual sessions to support the movement of energy within your Chakras (Value $525)

  • 2 Month Membership to the OLG private community (Value $200)

  • Guidance on a deep dive into a particular area of your life

  • Self Care Investment: $475

3-Month Success Coaching

  • Take deeper dive into your wellbeing

    • Discover your MVP - Mission, Values, Vision and Purpose (Value $600)

    • Reveal the hidden opportunities and advantages surrounding you.

    • HEAL the past and propel yourself to living the life you LOVE (Priceless)

  • Twelve Weekly 30 minute sessions ($2600)

  • Three 30 minute virtual Reiki sessions to support the movement of energy within your Chakras (Value $525)

  • 3 Month Membership to the OLG private community (Value $300)

  • Self Love Investment : $3000

Group Reiki Energy Experience

A group Reiki session is a collective healing experience where multiple individuals come together to receive Reiki energy simultaneously.

Participants typically gather either in their home with family, workplace or a virtual group.

Group Reiki sessions offer several advantages. They can be more cost-effective than individual sessions, making energy healing more accessible to a wider audience. The collective energy created by multiple practitioners can intensify the healing experience, potentially leading to enhanced relaxation, stress reduction, and physical or emotional well-being for all participants.

These sessions are also an excellent way for people to connect with others who share an interest in holistic healing and spirituality. Group Reiki sessions can be customized to address specific intentions, such as grief,stress relief, pain management, or emotional healing, making them a versatile and inclusive approach to energy healing.

Schedule a discussion about having a group session for your friends, family and Employees.

Essential Oil Education

Learn more about scheduling a Essential Oil Education class for you and your loved ones. This is your perfect opportunity to embark on an enlightening journey into the world of essential oils and discover their extraordinary benefits for your physical and mental well-being.

The class will guide you through the therapeutic properties of various CPTG essential oils. You'll learn how these natural extracts can enhance your daily life, promote relaxation, boost energy levels, and support your overall health.

Whether you're new to essential oils or looking to expand your knowledge, it is designed to empower you with the information you need to make informed decisions about the oils that best suit your needs and lifestyle.

Schedule a class today!

What Can I Expect?

Reiki is a holistic healing practice that originated in Japan in the early 20th century. The word "Reiki" translates to "universal life energy," and the technique is based on the idea that there is a universal energy that flows through all living things. Practitioners believe that they can tap into this energy and channel it to promote healing and balance in the recipient.

During a Reiki session, a practitioner uses their hands to lightly touch or hover over various parts of the recipient's body, with the intention of transferring healing energy. This is often done in a calm and meditative environment, promoting relaxation and stress reduction.

Reiki is not tied to any specific religious or spiritual belief system, making it accessible to people of all backgrounds. Many individuals seek Reiki for various purposes, including pain relief, emotional well-being, and spiritual growth.

While scientific evidence on Reiki's effectiveness is limited, many people report feeling a sense of calm and improved well-being after a session. It is often used as a complementary therapy alongside conventional medical treatments to enhance overall wellness and promote relaxation.

Need More Time?

What is Reiki?

   Reiki is a holistic healing technique that involves channeling universal life energy through a practitioner's hands to promote relaxation, balance, and well-being.

How does Reiki work?

   Reiki practitioners believe they can tap into a universal life force energy and transfer it to recipients through touch or energy work. This is thought to stimulate the body's natural healing abilities.

What happens during a Reiki session?

   During a session, recipients typically lie down fully clothed, while the practitioner places their hands lightly on or near the recipient's body. Energy is directed to different areas to facilitate healing and relaxation.

Is Reiki a religion?

   No, Reiki is not tied to any specific religious beliefs. It is a spiritual practice that can complement various belief systems or be practiced independently.

What are the benefits of Reiki?

   Benefits may include reduced stress, pain relief, emotional balance, improved sleep, and enhanced overall well-being. However, individual experiences vary.

Is Reiki safe?

   Reiki is generally considered safe and non-invasive. It can be used alongside conventional medical treatments but should not replace medical advice when needed.

How long does a Reiki session last?

   A typical session lasts around 60 to 90 minutes, although shorter sessions are also common.

Can anyone learn Reiki?

   Yes, Reiki can be learned by anyone through training and attunement provided by a Reiki Master. There are different levels of Reiki training.

Is scientific evidence available for Reiki's effectiveness?

   Scientific research on Reiki is ongoing, but results are mixed. While many people report positive experiences, more empirical evidence is needed.

What should I expect after a Reiki session?

   After a session, some people feel deeply relaxed, while others may experience emotional releases. Effects can vary, and it's essential to drink water and rest if needed.

How often should I have Reiki sessions?

   The frequency of sessions varies from person to person. Some individuals benefit from regular sessions, while others may have occasional treatments as needed.

Can Reiki be done remotely?

   Yes, distant or remote Reiki is a practice where practitioners send energy to recipients who are not physically present. Many believe it can be just as effective as in-person sessions.

Reiki is a complementary wellness modality and not a substitute for medical treatment. Consult a healthcare professional for medical concerns. Practitioners do not diagnose or prescribe. Sessions promote relaxation and well-being. Participation is voluntary, and results vary. By participating, you accept these terms and release the practitioner from liability.


Our mission is to foster healing and holistic well-being with individuals and companies worldwide with Love, Kindness &Laughter. We are committed to nurturing a generation that embraces unity, self-discovery, and positive energy, leaving a lasting legacy of Loving All and Serving All #OneLoveGeneration




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